Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Every Day Something New
Friday, November 7, 2008
Thursday, October 23, 2008
A Man For All Seasons

I have decided that I am indeed a man for all seasons. My wife would have you believe that that means the football, basketball, baseball, and hockey seasons. However, what I am talking about are the "real" seasons! I am presently visiting with my oldest son and his family in central Michigan and the colorful leaves and grasses reminded me of all the beauty that is a part of this wonderful world of ours. Living, as I do, in Florida we just have two seasons; wet and dry!
Having lived the vast majority of my life in the Midwest I became accustomed to a variety of weather and the seasonal changes. Spring time, with the warming of the soil and the budding of the trees and plants, always reminded me of the freshness of life and the promise of things to come. Summer time, with its' flowers and song birds, reminded me of the fullness of life and the joy of living. Autumn time, with its' colorful displays and the touch of freshness in the cool air always invigorated me. Winter time, with her bone chilling winds and blowing snow,always reminds me of why I live in Florida.
Seriously, it seems like which ever season I was living in I was always looking forward to the next. For 60 years it has been a cycle of looking ahead to what was to come next. While here in Michigan this week it finally dawned on me (I'm a slow learner) that while it is important to understand that THE BEST IS YET TO COME it is just as important to enjoy the present as it happens. So, as our lives continue to cycle by, let's somehow learn to live in the moment while still looking forward to all the changes that are yet to come.
Thursday, October 2, 2008
Sun Set / Sun Rise
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
A Beard and a Building Permit
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
Fishin' and Fashion

Thursday, July 31, 2008
I Wonder What's Out There

Every so often this picture of my four grandsons comes up on my computer screen and right now it is my screen saver. It was taken last December at Daytona Beach. There's just something about it that really makes me pause and think about what their futures may look like; something about the fact that they are running toward the vast Atlantic Ocean hand in hand.
Along with my two lovely grand daughters, I pray for them daily. I can not begin to imagine what the vast ocean of the future will look like for them. I have journeyed over 50 years since a similar picture of me might have been taken and what a different world it is today then it was in the 1950s. I don't even want to get into all the changes I have experienced in those years. Chances are that it will be even more staggering for these children.
How important it is that we, who are parents and grandparents, do our best to provide a stable backdrop as they run head long into the waves of life. And how important is it that they as brothers and sisters stay hand in hand; supporting, encouraging, and strengthening each other. I pray that they will always be close, always be connected, and that for them THE BEST IS YET TO COME.

Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Ripping Out and Bringing Down
Monday, July 14, 2008
"Fightin' Waves"
He spent allot of his time "fightin' waves" . He saw them as a challenge, an adventure, something to be conquered and enjoyed. Time after time he would pick himself up and go after the next wave hoping that it would be the biggest and best one yet. I would stand close by in case he needed me but didn't rush in each time he went under the foam. I think it made him braver just because I was near. He taught me a lesson.
I have gotten too old! When the "waves" of life come against me I see them as dangerous and threatening. I have determined to accept these billows as challenges and adventures, as events to be conquered and enjoyed. I have determined to pick myself up and wait on the next "wave" with great faith that my Heavenly Father is standing close by in case I need rescued. I know He won't rush in each time I seem to be going under but I'll know He is there just the same. I think I can be a little braver knowing He's close and that THE BEST IS YET TO COME.
Tuesday, July 1, 2008
A Wonderful 60th Birthday Present
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
"It's Only Just Begun"
Friday, June 13, 2008
When the Church Throws Dirt
Saturday, June 7, 2008
Friends, Five Irons, and Fairfield Glade

On Memorial Day six friends met to play some golf and make up for lost time.
Fred Hall, Gene Smith, and I grew up together going to church camps in Eastern Michigan and to college together at Olivet Nazarene University in Kankakee, Illinois.
That's where we met Bryan Solomon and we all became close friends.
Mike Adams just thinks he went to Olivet but the truth is he came into the picture in the late 1970s. The final member of our group that day was Don Smith, Gene's "little brother" who tagged along at those church camps.
It was a great time of renewing friendships, enjoying the beautiful scenery on the Cumberland Plateau around Crossville, Tennessee, and losing not just a few golf balls. Gene and Fred now minister in Michigan, Bryan pastors in Indiana, Don and I pastor in Florida, and Mike travels around the nation as a full time evangelist.
We seldom see each other but when we do, we pick up right where we left off. True friends truly are friends forever! We laughed, we cried, we competed, and we told stories of days gone by. As far as I am concerned it was a 9.998 out of 10!
But as good as it was, as beautiful as it was, I can't give it a perfect 10 because it will pale in comparison to that great reunion day that is yet to come. There, amidst the beauties of Heaven, we will be joined by so many good friends and family that we haven't seen in quite awhile, we will tell stories of days gone by, and we will laugh. We won't cry and we won't compete but we will say that it was true; THE BEST WAS YET TO COME!
Friday, June 6, 2008
Hockey and Heaven

Sunday, June 1, 2008
Caps, Gowns, and Robes of Pure White
Friday, May 16, 2008
We Have The First Images Of Our New Baby

Tuesday, May 6, 2008
Fried Chicken, Curry Chicken, Jerk Chicken
Thursday, May 1, 2008
On District Meetings
Friday, April 25, 2008
What's Wrong With Being A Secretary?
Thursday, April 24, 2008
Grow Where You're Planted
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
The Blessings of Struggle
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
One of the "joys" of being a pastor is the holding of monthly church board meetings! I figure that I have chaired over 600 such wonderful encounters during the past 38 years. They can be times of rejoicing and celebration or they can be times of contention and frustration. For the most part, my experiences with these monthly business meetings has been mmore enjoyable than not. The fact is that it is a miracle of God's grace that so many different types of folks can come together and accomplish anything.
Board members come from all different walks of life and all different steps on the social economical ladder. Some come to the meetings from their own board rooms, see it as just another meeting, and can't wait to get home. For others it is their big chance to be heard, their only "meeting" of the month, and a place where their opinion is valued. The secret to any success achieved by such a diverse group of people can only be atributed to the fact that the church is a divine institution and that the Lord uses all kinds of folks to get His will done.
Here at Metro West we have all the factors that make a Church Board diverse and then some.
Our Board is comprised of people from seven different nations who come in every shade and color. Our meetings look more like a committee meeting at the U.N.! People born in the U.S.
(African American and Anglo), Haiti, Barbados, Jamaca, Antigua, Puerto Rico, and Brazil make up the leadership team of our International congregation. They mirror our wonderful congregation and give just a little glimpse of what Heaven will be like.
Our meetings are not quite "heavenly" but pretty close and I know that the "best is yet to come."
Monday, April 21, 2008
Sunday, April 20, 2008
And away we go....
The title for this blog space "The Best Is Yet To Come" comes from when Jesus turned the water into wine at the wedding reception. When the host tasted it he said to the bridegroom; "You have saved the best (wine) to last". I have decided that that is just the way our Lord works. He saves the best 'til last. I believe that, for the Christ follower, their best days are not yesterdays but tomarrows! Thus, I trust that with every post you will this truth exibited in my living and my words. He has given me some fantastic yesterdays and I can't wait to see what my tomarrows may bring. Even when this earthly life of mine comes to an end, I believe my best days are yet to be.