Friday, January 11, 2019

OLD FOLKS, HOT TUBS, AND CELL PHONES (December 16 - January 11, 2019)

From Grand Cayman to Atlanta, to Orlando, all the stand by flights went without incident.  Our ten day stay on our favorite Island had come to an end and now we would begin an 11 week stay at the Wyndham Cypress Palms Resort in Kissimmee, Florida.  Looking forward to continued warm weather and the comfort of a familiar place, we settled into a lovely two bedroom condo.

Cypress Palms had been our home for six years (2010-2016) so it was in some measure a homecoming.  Thus, for the last 4 weeks we have been simply enjoying being together and not having any particular thing to do or place to go.  We were blessed to spend Christmas day with long time friends, Mike and Elisabeth Adams, who live in Orlando.  Elisabeth and Mike provided a wonderful Christmas dinner of Turkey and dressing and all the sides of a holiday feast.  We were blessed.


The night before we left Grand Cayman I was up all night with a never ending, tremendous pain in my lower back.  All signs pointed toward a possible kidney stone and they were right.  The day after Christmas the little brute was passed and I was pleased.  The episode reminded me that I was getting older (70) and that things would most likely start to fall apart.  Being "old" is no picnic!  It is an adventure and a journey into the unknown.

That brings me to cell phones and hot tubs.  They are not friends!

The emotion that you feel when you realize, as you settle into the hot tub, that you forgot to take your cell phone out of your swim suit pocket is inexplicable.  The sinking feeling in your gut as you jump to your feet, climb out of the swirling water, and head for the pool towel, is not a feeling you enjoy.

I guess I could blame it on the Resort.  After all, they know they have a bunch of us old folks here with "diminished capacity".  There should have been a sign by the ladder warning us to check our pockets.  I guess I could blame the phone manufacturer.  After all, they should make their phones totally water resistant.  I mean, it is 2019!

But, in reality, the blame lies solely with me.  I thought I could take my phone to the pool, in my suit pocket (so it could track my steps), and remember to take it out before depositing myself in the relaxing warmth of the moving water.  If I'm honest (and I am), I knew it was an accident waiting to happen.  I knew that it was foolish every time I did it .  The problem was that I thought I would always remember.  I didn't.

Remember, you don't have to be old to do foolish things!  Remember, don't think about yourself more highly than you ought!  Remember, we are all fallible and will all make some bad choices.  Remember, life goes on and stuff is just stuff.

And for us older folks, remember that remembering is not our strong point.