Monday, August 22, 2022

IT'S A ZOO UP HERE! (August 1-22, 2022)

Morning breaks on the meadow


Our third three week stay in the great state of Alaska proved to, again, be a memorable segment of time.  It was highlighted by many wonderful encounters with the wildlife of the last frontier and incredible times of interacting with her citizens. After 145 straight days in "The Last Frontier", I can honestly say that I have not grown tired of her allure. 

With only three more weeks to go before returning to the "outside" I am trying to cram in as much outdoor time as I can.  Weather has been a mix between drizzle, heavy rain, and brilliant sunshine, but none of it has stopped me from taking treks to look for wildlife or to fish.

A remote campground near the "end of the road" was the perfect spot for a church family camp.  It was the perfect blend of my two callings: to the ministry and to the wilderness.  These days, regardless of the weather, have been perfect days. They have been days of joy and fulfillment.


I have been reflecting on all the different critters I have seen while here in Alaska this time so here's a pictorial list (may have forgot a couple)


Sea Otters

Dall Sheep

Black Bear
Steller's Jay


Artic Tern


Blue Herron

Sockeye Salmon

King Salmon

Chum (Dog) Salmon
I did see some black tail deer but couldn't get a photograph.  All in all, a fairly sizeable sample of the wildlife of Alaska.