Spending December in Tennessee sounded like a good idea when we made reservations over a year ago, but no one told us that an Artic cold spell would plummet the thermometer 20 degrees colder
than usual. Thus, our four weeks in Fairfield Glade, Tennessee proved to be an unexpected time of staying inside and just enjoying the warmth of the wood burning fire place and good friends. The Wyndham Resort at Fairfield Glade provides free wood to its guests, and I took good advantage of the benefit. I would estimate that during our month long stay we burned somewhere between 300 and 400 pieces of wood (I also didn't have it delivered but used the walk to the wood shed and back for exercise).

Some of that time in front of the flickering flames was spent with friends. Tim and Vicky Gates drove us over from Nashville and spent a couple of nights, Mike and Elisabeth Adams stopped in for a couple of nights on their way to Florida, Bruce and Carol Hardesty drove up from southern Tennessee for a couple of nights, and Ray and Donna Couey drove over for the day (We hadn't spent any time with them for over 40 years). These opportunities to share our life with others is exactly what we had hoped would happen when we began our retirement journeys a little over a year ago. Hopefully, others will join us in the days to come.
Finally, our last visitors joined us for five days. Our daughter Autumn, and our granddaughters, Abigail and Adelyn, slid their way the six hours from Indiana to stay with us. While we didn't have the chance to do all the outdoor things we would have liked, we did manage to take some short hikes, eat some ice cream, play lots of table games, work on a jigsaw puzzle, watch some TV, and laugh often.
One of the images that will remain with me for my remaining years will be of two young girls striding from tree to tree in the cold Tennessee woods, making grunting noises they imagined sounded like Sasquatch, and peeking out from behind those trees with quizzical looks at the human following them with a camera.
You see, we had sat and watched numerous episodes of a "Searching For Big Foot" marathon and now they were playing the part. The part of the searched for, but never found creature. What fun we had on that journey.
It seems to me like many folks spend their time running from tree to tree pretending to be something they are not. And, as a matter of fact, many of them are on Facebook. They hide behind this tree and that tree never really allowing themselves to be seen. It, also, seems to me that there are many people who are constantly searching for something that is elusive, something that is mystical, something that no one else has ever seen. They look and look and look. They listen to others' stories and try to find a similar outcome. Yet, in the end, all they find are sounds in the darkness that leave them unfulfilled and disappointed.
While running from tree to tree in 2018, be yourself. Enjoy your uniqueness, your adventure. I don't know what it may be that you are searching for in 2018, but might you find yourself. Be real and understand that the true search must begin within.