Monday, May 27, 2019

CONNECTING POINTS (May 4 - 27, 2019)

For the past twenty four days we have been enjoying spring in the mid west.  Our stand by flights from South Carolina to Missouri went without any problems and we arrived in Springfield for our grandson, Justin's, High School Graduation.  Once again I was reminded of how fast time goes by.  He becomes the second grand child to exit High School and our prayers are that he will find the Lord's will and plan for his life.  While in the "Show Me" state, I enjoyed my walks and drives around Wilson's Creek National Battlefield.  The wild flowers were out and the deer made their appearance in the late afternoon.  It was a great time of both relaxing and enjoying family.

Following those great days, we flew to Indiana to spend some time with Autumn's family, visit Sherry's mom, ready the cabin, and get ready for our upcoming cruise and stay in Alaska.  Our grand daughter, Adelyn, had a volleyball tournament and a band concert.  They finished second!  The cabin and yard took some work but by the time we left they looked great. 

This somewhat of a pause was perfect before we begin a busy month in the last frontier with  Sherry's brother, Curt, and his wife, Jenny!  This will be their first visit to Alaska and there is so much to see.


These times with family are more than just time to fill between trips.  They are moments to remember how important family is, to pause and reflect on how blessed we are, and to dream about what the future might hold for our kids and grand kids.  They are moments filled with both tears and laughter. 

I know that our nomadic life style is a little different than most but I pray that it will not ever stand in the way of our family knowing just how much we love them.  Time moves too quickly to not cherish each time we are able to be together.

Thursday, May 2, 2019

CHOOSE THE DOLPHIN MOMENTS (April 16 - May 3, 2019)

We wrapped up our final segment of our time on Edisto Island, South Carolina, by sharing one of our favorite places with friends and family.

Jimmy and Doretta Durnil came from southern Indiana and spent four days with us.  Doretta and Sherry graduated from High School together in Bloomington, Indiana back in the 60s.  What a great time we had showing them around and just enjoying our time together.  Sherry and Doretta were able to share memories of long ago and rekindle a friendship.

Then, Sherry's brother and sister-in-law came and spent the final two weeks with us.  Curt and Jenny are also Wyndham owners and we have traveled together before and share "points" every once in a while.  Edisto offers a fantastic place to walk the beaches, watch the dolphins, and enjoy the sunsets.

During our time of traveling, these past two years, we have been reminded of the value of family and friends.


For the last 42 days I have awakened on the shore of the Atlantic Ocean's St. Helena Sound.  I have awakened, with a cup of coffee on our elevated deck, to the laughing and crying of the Gulls as they greet the day.  I have awakened to the frolicking dolphins as they search for breakfast in the mouth of Big Bay Creek.  I have awakened to the fragrance of the flowering bushes and trees.  I have awakened to a quiet, peaceful, beautiful place that I have grown to love.

At night, I have been treated to a variety of fiery sunsets as the western horizon turned golden and orange.  At night, I have been amazed at the numberless stars that filled the darkened sky.  At night, I have listened to the local frogs bellow their repetitive croakings into the otherwise silent darkness.  At night, I have seen the twinkling eyes of the deer as they graze on the shrubs beneath the deck.

It is in between the time that my feet hit the floor and my head hits the pillow that I am reminded how blessed I am.  Blessed to feel the warmth of the sun as it turns my pale skin brown.  I am blessed to watch those beautiful dolphin gently cruise on top of the water or frantically feed with tail splashing and air borne acrobatics. I am blessed that I can see the kaleidoscope of vivid colors that make every sunset just a little different.  I am blessed that I can hear the noisiness of the gulls and the breathing of those dolphins as they catch their breath before diving deep into the blue waters.

Oh, there were days when the sun didn't shine.  There were days when the gentle ocean breeze turned into gale force winds.  There were days when the clouds blocked the sunset.  There were days when the dolphin decided to go elsewhere.  There were days the number of dead jellyfish seemed to outnumber the grains of sand on the beach.

Life, too, is like that.  Not every day will be idyllic.  Some will be way better than others, but they all go together in a mosaic of wonderful color; of great blessing.  We must decide upon what to focus.  Will it be the "jellyfish moments" or the "dolphin moments".  We will have both.  The choice is ours.

I chose the dolphin moments and, with this big guy, wave goodbye to South Carolina and head to Missouri.  There, too, I plan to be blessed.  It's just who I am.

Edisto Island, SC, dolphin dance