Three more weeks have passed, bringing our self isolation time in Indiana to a total of six weeks. We, although not really sure how we feel about the merits of it, have tried to be compliant citizens . After all, we are part of the "endangered" crowd over 65. We have sheltered in place faithfully. Our "trips" have been limited to Aldi (twice), Walmart (once), and the drive through at Steak & Shake (once). Other than that we have not left our 6 acre "compound". Our only visitors have been our daughter's family. That time together was spent six feet apart for a couple of hours outdoors around the fire pit. Worship is on line and I've binged watched The Virginian and Bonanza! The movie, Ground Hog Day, pretty much describes the way I feel.
One thing I know is that I will never take the blessings of travel lightly ever again. Our nomadic lifestyle has come to a grinding halt. Hopefully our Wyndham resorts will be opening back up sometime this summer and air travel will be safe and regular.
They are big and small....male and female... stay at homers and travelers....ground feeders and not ground feeders....aggressive and passive.
They have names like Finch, Eastern Blue Bird, Blue Jay, Indigo Bunting, Grosbeak, Raven, Crow, Vulture, Hawk, Wren, Sparrow, Hummingbird, Chickadee, Titmouse, Nuthatch, Robin, Towhee, Cardinal , Dove, and Oriole. These feathered friends and others have been my guests. The Woodpecker clan; Red Headed, Downy, Hairy , Flicker, and Pileated have been regulars.
If it seems like I have too much time on my hands, it's because I have too much time on my hands!
Yesterday I found myself jealous of the Rose Breasted Grosbeak contingent. They "checked in" for a ten day stay on May 2nd and disappeared sometime yesterday. There were at least a dozen in their group. I understand their travels will take them north. I was envious because they did what I would love to do; fly somewhere, stay a couple of weeks (or more), and move on. But, for the foreseeable future, it will be southern Indiana.
One thing that provides me great comfort and hope during this uncertain time are these words.
"Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or stow away in barns, and yet your Heavenly Father feeds them...Are you not much more valuable!" (Matthew 6:26-27) Simply put....HE'S GOT THIS!
So I'm off to the Ponderosa or Shioh Ranch to see what calamities they will overcome today; knowing that if they could overcome in the 1800s, I can overcome in 2020!