The weather was perfect with gentle tropical breezes, deep blue skies, soft white clouds, and temperatures always in the 80s. It was 80 when you went to bed and 80 when you got up and with the light but constant trade winds it was as nice as it gets. We got up when we wanted, ate when we wanted, and time was almost irrelevant. We simply enjoyed each other and our beautiful surroundings for four blissful days.
But.....I am now home. Oh, the temperatures are in the 70s (not bad) and we have blue skies and white drifting clouds but it's not quite the same. Nice but different and once again I was reminded that the BEST IS YET TO COME. Don't get me wrong, I love planet earth and plan to thoroughly enjoy my time here but I know there is a better place and day coming where it is as nice as it gets. A place where time is irrelevant and we can enjoy our surroundings forever!
I wonder if John felt this way after his vision of that place. I wonder if after that he kept telling people that the BEST IS YET TO COME.
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