September 19, 2010 marked, perhaps, my "last" day in full time pastoral ministry. That would mean that today, September 20, 2010 marks the "first" day of the rest of my life. What a staggering thought that is! Sixty two years gone and ? years to go. Right now so many questions and so few answers. One thing I know for sure however is that THE BEST IS YET TO COME!
I went fishin' last week up in Indiana. I go every September and every year I am taken by the beauty of Sugar Creek as it tumbles along with clear, cool, and small mouth bass filled water. Some times running so rapidly that you can hardly walk in it, sometimes only ankle deep, and sometimes a quiet, deep pool. All very different but all holding fish if you know what you're doing. I think life is a little like that. Sometimes the river of life runs so fast you get worn out just trying to hold your own, sometimes it is so shallow and seemingly empty that the journey is easy, sometimes so deep and quiet that you can't even take it all in. But in every aspect it can be productive if you know what you're doing.
Like the picture above (taken somewhere in Indiana...don't ask where) life runs from one deep, peaceful spot to another. The issue is, in Sugar Creek or life, you have go through the rapids to get there. But the transition is worth it. I have always been one who loves to see what is just around the bend, to see what new water and deep hole might lie ahead.
That's where I am now; in the rapids, in the transition. Exactly what lies around the next bend in my life I don't know but I do know what I'm doing. I am trusting in Him who has called me to lead and guide me. I truly believe that THE BEST IS YET TO COME and I can't wait to see what's around the bend.
1 comment:
Pastor Dicer,
Thank you putting some perspective on life "changes". There are always rapids and quiet does come. And who is always with us....Amen!
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