Today marks the half way mark of our five week stay on Edisto Island, South Carolina. This quiet, out of the way, peaceful place has been our refuge from time to time over the past thirty some years.
It is the place where Aaron was chased by a alligator, Andrew broke his collarbone biking, and Autumn.... well Autumn just fell in love with everything about the place. Family memories hover around every bend of the tree lined lanes, the swimming pools, and the mini-golf. All four of our grandsons spent their "special 5 year old vacation" here with Grandfather and Grandma Sherry.

They were pleasant days that will be added to the memories.

The last twelve days it's just been the two of us. But what great days they've been just doin' 'bout nothin'. I've fished some, walked a lot, set in the warmth of the sun and watched it come up and go down (you can do that on an island). Guess that's why some call it...."Ed is slow" Island but that's OK by me.
Lord willing we'll return again next spring and do it all over again. Please don't tell anyone else about this special, semi-secret place. We want to keep this best kept secret place in South Carolina to ourselves. Shhhhhhh!
We live in a busy, hurry up, do it now, glitter and glitz kind of world. The more showy, the more spectacular, the more exciting, the more busy places, seem to get all the attention. We rush off to "vacation" in places like Las Vegas, Orlando, and Myrtle Beach and we come back home in need of a vacation. We pound our way through the work week to get to the weekend and then spend the weekend running here and there looking for a bigger thrill than we managed the last weekend. WE NEED TO SLOW DOWN, to find a time and place to just unwind, to enjoy the landscape and the so many amazing things that the Lord has created. We need "Edisto Moments", "Edisto Days", "Edisto weeks".
Even the creator needed a day off and in His wisdom told us that we, too, need a Sabbath; a day of rest. For me...if I must chose between Myrtle Beach and Edisto Island, I say "give me "Ed Is Slow" Island and a peaceful sunset every time.
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