The all night drive from Avon, Indiana, to Edisto Island, South Carolina went without a hitch.
We settled into our two bedroom condo, overlooking St. Helena Sound and the Atlantic Ocean, and began to plan for a special week with family. My two granddaughters, ages 11 and 13, were anxious to enjoy another week's visit to this special place.
Indeed, we did enjoy five days of beaches, dolphins, sunsets, table games, and just being family. Then everything changed.
I was sitting on the deck, watching several dolphins feed at the mouth of Big Bay Creek, when my wife came out with startling news. Our 42 year old son, the picture of health, had just suffered cardiac arrest in Missouri and was taken, unconscious, to the Cox Medical Center in Springfield, where the emergency room Doctor indicated that family members should immediately gather. We, in shock and through tears, packed for a funeral.
The flights from South Carolina to Missouri were a blur of prayers and tears; pleadings and memories. Flight attendants quietly slipped me tissues as the tears continuously slid down my face.

Arriving at the hospital, we were led to a small MICU room. There he lay; linked to life through tubes and needles. They had induced a deep coma with paralytic drugs and had begun a Hypothermia Protocol. For the next 36 hours he lay there; body temperature reduced to 91F, cold to the touch, and unable to move. They were hard hours, waiting for a sign. Then it happened...he squeezed my hand.
Now, 16 days later, he has returned to the studio, is recovering from the defibrillator implant, and shows no physical signs of ever being without a heart beat for several minutes. His life was interrupted but now is back on track with an amazing story of God's grace to share. Our life, too, was interrupted but we are now back on our peaceful island, planning to enjoy the next three weeks before heading back north.
As I sat inside a beautiful condo, looking out over St. Helena Sound, I notice that the face of the water had drastically changed. The glassy calm surface with dancing dolphins was now being whipped by gale force winds. It was the same place, just very different.
Once again, my mind reflects on how much that is just like life. Life interrupted...over and over and over again. Once again, I am reminded that in a moment our lives can be turned from peaceful and calm into a raging storm.
Once again, I am reminded of the ONE who calmed and calms the storm with strong words; "Peace be still". Once again, through the prayers of so many, I am able to say; "To God be the glory, great things He has done.
God is good all the time.
PTL!! So glad your son is recuperating!! God is good all the time!!!
What a wonderful story to share. God is good all the time. God can turn heartbreak and pain to joy and laughter! To Him be the glory!
Amen and Glory Hallelujah!!!
Amazing and Awesome story. Thanks for sharing it.
Praise God your 42 yr old son continues life and you have powerful story of redeemption to share. God has intervened and His plan is that of wonderful testimony!
Ten years ago I too had a life interrupted experience. My then 32 year old daughter was expecting and for (and still) unknown reasons, her body started shutting down. It literally started to fight itself. She was in the hospital for just over 6 months, hooked to monitors, IV's and feeding tubes. Our precious Isaac delivered two months early but by the grace of God who gave us wonderful doctors. He is now 10 years old. They put my daughter into a deep coma right before she delivered where she stayed for several weeks. We were going one day at a time. In that time my faith just grew stronger. I knew in my heart God had a plan for her and she was going to recover from this. Eventually she slowly started getting better and finally got to come home and get to know her beautiful little boy who was now a little more than four months old. During her lengthy recovery time, she went back to school and became an RN and is a school nurse and works weekends at Cox Branson. I guess I am trying to say, stay strong, stay faithful, God definitely has a plan for your son who, by the way, I enjoy watching very much! May God heap His blessings on you and you will all be in my prayers. He has reasons for our "life interruptions".
Much Love, Irene Kammer, Harrison, AR
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