Sherry's 90 year old mom became seriously ill in the nursing home and the staff said she could pass from this life to the next within a day or two. We packed the car and headed toward Indiana. The trip north proved to be a long one as an early winter storm, with ice and snow, left its mark on Kentucky and southern Indiana. We slowly slid our way through the night into the driveway of Curt's home just outside of Bloomington.
Lois, my wife's mother, quietly passed on two days later and her Celebration of Life Service was held. She was a wonderful example of a Christian lady. Her faith in Christ never wavered. She will be missed but the memories of a life well lived will continue.
We flew out of a cold and snowy Indiana the next week and spent six days at Wyndham Nashville (TN) before heading to Cozumel, Mexico.
Life is a progression of changes. Things seldom go exactly as planned. Our lives are lived out with daily uncertainties. Things change.
Our expected time of relaxation with Curt and Jenny turned into a hazardous 1,000 mile drive through a cold and snowy night. It sure felt good when we rolled into the driveway and were safe.
For Lois, her journey had its moments of struggle and change; moments of happiness and fear. But, now, she has finished her life's drive, rolled into Heaven's driveway, and is safe.
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