Monday, March 23, 2020

IT IS WHAT IT IS (March 7-23, 2020)


Sixteen days ago we left Myrtle Beach, South Carolina.  We had been there for 63 days and had enjoyed the beach, the restaurants, and the resort.  Toward the very end of our stay, we started to hear about Covid 19.  We were slightly nervous about our flights to Orlando but "social distancing" was yet to be a thing.

Secluded Edisto Beach
However, as we waited in Orlando for two days in a friend's house (they were out of town ), things changed.  We were in Orlando to pick up two grandsons flying in from Missouri. They were coming for a special 5 days with us.  We enjoyed a day at Daytona Beach and quick two day cruise to the Bahamas.  Needless to say, during those days things were changing rapidly.  We loved our time with the boys but were relieved when they flew back home.

Our next stop was Edisto Island, South Carolina.  a quiet, secluded island between Charleston, South Carolina and Savannah, Georgia.  Known as Ed-is-Slow Island, it seemed to be the perfect location to "shelter in place".  We had reservations through May 9th.

That's where we are now.  We have been here a week and just found out that they are closing the resort on April 1st.

Edisto Blue Heron


As I wrote this blog, I received the call that I hoped would never come.  It informed us that the resort would be closing next week. I knew it was coming but had tried to convince myself that it wasn't.

In my thinking, we were in the perfect spot.  It was isolated, beautiful, and warm.  The county had closed off the island and there had been only one case of the virus in Collton County. It was my safe place; my sanctuary.

But, as all my Jamaican friends have told me for years; "It is what it is."

So for the next week we will explore travel options back to Indiana, watch the dolphins frolic, and enjoy the warmth and sunsets.  

Stay safe and lean on the One who is not distancing Himself from us.  His name is Emmanuel (God is with us)

Edisto Island Sunset


Unknown said...

Love your reflections! We are all adjusting to a new “normal” here at home as well. It is my hope that when all of this is over, we can remember who we were called to be...kind and loving to all of our neighbors!

lynne said...

Thank you once again for your beautiful words! Praying that what is happening brings perspective into people's lives and may result in a more tolerant and kinder world.

Unknown said...

We were headed there April 5 and thought it would be the perfect placed to "hide out" but called today to discover they close April 1. Thank you for your beautiful pictures. They deserve to be framed. You allowed me to enjoy our beautiful Edisto from a distance.
God's got this! We will be there again another time. Blessings.