Tuesday, November 29, 2022


The stand-by flights to Indiana went smoothly and we landed in the Hoosier state to prepare for the family gathering over Thanksgiving.  This year all of our crew (except Ethan) would make their way to Avon and Autumn's home for a time of just being together, eating an overwhelming amount of delicious food, and watching the Michigan/Ohio State Football game.This brief blog will cover that short time we spent together in Indiana before making our way to Kissimmee, Florida, and the WYNDHAM CYPRESS PALMS RESORT, where we will stay for thirteen weeks.  It will also be our opportunity to wish each reader a "Merry Christmas".  We trust that your holiday times are and will be as special as ours.

First of all, where has all the time gone? As I looked around the family room and kitchen, I couldn't help but notice how old everyone else has become. Our three children are all over 40 and our oldest son will be a grandfather come February 2023!  How is that even possible? They are supposed to be children, anxiously awaiting Christmas gifts under the lighted tree. My grandchildren will soon all be graduated from High School and my oldest grandson, a father.Then I looked in the mirror hanging in the hallway and there was my father looking back at me. When did I become him? Even as I thought about it, I realized that now, at 74, I am 10 years older than he was when he passed.

Secondly, I was reminded that as we age, we develop habits, beliefs, and outlooks that are uniquely our own.  We are no longer the same as we were years ago.  That realization is highlighted in these times of family gathering and closeness. Although most of our time together was harmonious and enjoyable, there were those moments when there were tensions derived from our developed personalities, our likes and dislikes. I can't imagine that this balance between the pleasure of being together and the times of friction were only evident in our gathering. It's part of being individuals with differing concepts and ways of processing the world around us. It's also part of memories of childhood conflicts that continue to be points of contention.

Here's what I know for certain following our time together.  We love each other.  We tolerate each other. We only want the best for each other. We are richly blessed.

I also am proud of who my children and grandchildren are becoming.  And, at the risk of sounding too proud, I am proud of the job that Sherry and I did in parenting our three children. Are they perfect? No, but they are sure a blessing to many.

Then, there's "Indiana Jones".  In the midst of all the action and the loud cheering as Michigan clobbered Ohio State, he, somehow, managed to find sanctuary under the Christmas tree.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

As an Southern Indiana resident, I always look forward to reading your blog. Your personal perspective and words are relatable. Well wishes sent in this Christmas Season.