Wednesday, January 25, 2023

LOSING TRACK OF OTHERS (December 26, 2022 - January 26, 2023)

A Cypress Palms Sunset


For the last thirty days we have been enjoying our life at the Wyndham Cypress Palms Resort in Kissimmee, Florida.  After the holidays and our ministry time in Alaska, it was nice to be able to just do nothing and do it well! My time was spent with morning walks, swimming, setting in the sun, and visiting the hot tub.  We did have some visitors as my daughter's family managed to slide out of Indiana and spend a few days in the sunshine state.

My brother and his wife came over from their winter place on Casey Key for two days.  It is always special to be able to spend some time together.  Gary is nine and a half years older than I am and has been the best big brother I guy could ever ask for.  

We have both been married for 50+ years.  I guess we are the exception to the norm these days.


     Sometimes when you are living in Florida you forget that winter exists.  You get so used to every day being sunny and warm that you lose track of the fact that it is cold and snowy in other parts of the country.  That happened to me yesterday when, while sitting on our lanai in 80-degree weather, I read that all three of my children would be experiencing a winter storm with high winds and up to ten inches of the white stuff (snow).
      It was a reminder that our response to situations in our lives change as we change.  I'm still me but, am a me that would no longer enjoy getting bundled up to go outside and shoot hoops.  I still like basketball but only what I can comfortably "watch" without much effort.  
     It was a reminder that in the midst of our personal journey we shouldn't become so wrapped up in our own world that we lose track of what others may be experiencing.  While our world might be filled with sunshine and palm trees, we need to always remember that there are others who may be struggling with storms.  There may be others who may be snowed in and unable to escape their surroundings. 
     The point is that whether we are "in the storm" or "in the calm", we should always be aware of others and their world.  The "Good Book" says it this way; "Rejoice with those that rejoice and weep with those who weep."  Wherever this day finds you, be thankful and be thoughtful.


Anonymous said...

Weathering the storms n life are a bit easier if we can rely on our Faith, Family & Friends to be a part of this journey.

Tim Gates said...

Well said, my friend! Looking forward to sharing a good meal with great friends soon!